Sunday 11 March 2012

First outdoor climb

Managed to get to stanage this week. First time trad climbing in almost 18months. Found it intimidating. Knee felt strong, but lacked a little of the old endurance. Stretching is taking forever to make an impact. I'm down now to 93kg. Without running I'm finding it hard to burn sufficient calories to really shift the weight.

Friday 27 January 2012


Te laptop went bam!
Lots of back and forth with the company. So have another.
Knee has been going from strength to strength.
The climbing came at around day 30. But this I fell may have been too early it felt wobbly and under strength.
Another month was had down the gym and then started.

Now I'm bouldering indoors about once a week and have been out side a few times, more due to poor weather than anything to do with the knee.
I am still having to keep up with the squats, side squats and leg extensions. This along with the balance work. If I let this slip the knee starts to get sore after a couple of weeks.

I completed the Inca trail in 2.5 days with full pack of 15kg. which isn't bad. The knee held up well.

Friday 18 March 2011

Day Twenty Three

The training in the gym has been going well over the last few days. Knee is clicking less, still have a few deep clicks though. Been addicted to the Chris Moyles radio show on the red button on BBC 1. He's been awake for 50+ hours, now that's will power. I'm doing lots of proprioceptive training (balance). The knee itself is still a bit wobbly and week in loaded descent IE coming down stairs it gets so far and just lets go. I've been targeting this with short squats on the squat machine in the gym. Now up to 40kg in control. But the target is about 75% body weight. For me 75kg. That will take another 2 weeks training every day I think.
Have been walking Louis dog for half an hour the last 4 days and my knee feels hot after it but response well to ice. In the pool swimming front crawl is a chore, can do one length the have to rest it. Been doing isolation kicks in the pool trying just to get the strength endurance back up.

Sadly my knee is not stable enough yet to climb on. I've got to get it to the point where its strong and stable before subjecting it to the high forces put through it in climbing.

I'll post my new range of motion pics in a bit.

Monday 14 March 2011

Day Nineteen

Another dog walk this time we went in the morning and afternoon. 30 mins a time.
Leg still has a few clicks.

Day Eighteen

Had a dog walk today 30 mins. Got bitten by another dog, ironic isn't it. The same breed of dog as mine aswell. My dog, Louis, is protective of me and i think it set the other one off. Its not bad but bad enough.

Day Seventeen

Went to  physio today, the knee is still unstable so have to focus on the balance work and wobble board. Also have to start doing short squats with very light weight on the machine in the gym. This will strengthen the knee and therefore stabilise it.
Gym day
short squats, lowering six inches with 20kg on the machine, IE not body weight plus 20 kg
leg extensions with a whole 2.5 kg, world beating eh
20 mins bike level 2
15 mins stair climber level 2
15 mins rowing machine level 2
1 set of 10 reps calf raises with body weight
plus stretching

Day Sixteen

Gym again
15 mins bike no load
5 mins stair climber level one
3 mins rowing machine no load
one legged balance
3 sets of 30 secs Wobble board
Knee is feeling a little unstable and has clicked a few times and locked once.